Dancing Classrooms has successfully been teaching students ballroom dance for over 15 years. Through the Dancing Classrooms program, all students in 4th and 8th grade receive twice a week instruction in ballroom dancing at Santa Maria and participate in a final showcase.
With over 6,500 books, Santa Maria’s library is the intellectual hub of the school. Students have regular access to the library and often turn to our well-stocked shelves for class projects as well as pleasure reading. Classroom teachers collaborate closely with the librarian and incorporate library reading and research into their lesson plans. Thanks to our automated card catalog, students may also check out books with ease.
Santa Maria is a two-time grant recipient from the Laura Bush Foundation. Grant funds were used to diversify and expand the library’s collection. We continue to seek out support to grow our already strong collection.
Paul Effman has served Catholic schools for over 30 years. Through this program, once a week all 2nd through 5th graders learn to play the recorder. 3rd through 8th-grade students have the option to join the school band to learn to play brass, percussion, and woodwind instruments in after school lessons. Students in 1st through 8th grade now also have the option of learning to play the violin.
Each year a number of Santa Maria School students are chosen to participate in the NYC-wide honors band and participate in extra practices and performances with band students from across the city.
Santa Maria offers a comprehensive technology curriculum. The computer lab is equipped with over 40 desktop and laptop computers, and all students learn essential technology skills during weekly computer classes. The lab is conveniently located within the library and students regularly use the computers to conduct online research.
Every classroom at Santa Maria is equipped with SMART Board technology and computers are located in classrooms throughout the building. Santa Maria strives to invest in the most effective education technology. We are continuously evaluating and updating our school-wide technology plan to prepare students for success in high school and beyond.
Students in the 3rd and 4th grade participate in the Classroom, Inc. computer-simulated internship program. Working in small groups, students make key business decisions that affect the program’s outcome. In the process, students also strengthen reading, math, and critical thinking skills. Classroom, Inc take part in the Chelsea Bank simulation.
Students receive art instruction once a week from a Creative Classrooms Visual Arts Program teacher. This program promotes art and literacy through projects that encourage personal reflection and critical thinking. Students use a range of mediums, including watercolor, charcoal, acrylic, and colored pencil. Within an assignment’s parameters, students have substantial freedom to experiment and craft art that is uniquely theirs.